Blogs by Monisha - the beginner
How to start web development
Web Development is a fantastic thing one can start. Here I am providing one link which will take
you to the roadmap.
You can follow it.
Follow the Roadmap
How to start with DSA
DSA is a fundamental skill that every programmer needs to learn. In my opinion, it is one of the
most interesting parts
of programming. You can start by following the link I am providing and practicing problems on
LeetCode. Additionally,
participate in weekly contests on various platforms like LeetCode, Coding Ninjas, CodeForces,
CodeChef, AtCoder, etc.
You can follow this link to learn DSA from beginning.
Follow this Sheet
Prepare Core Subjects
Core subjects like Object Oriented Programming, Database Management System, Operating System, Computer Networks, Computer Organization and Architecture are also important to know if one want to excel in programming world. For these there are several resources one can follow by searching google and youtube. One can go through several books also.